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About your guide.

Originally from London, England, I transplanted to the United States in 2003. As a professional hawkwatcher for ten plus seasons, I have been fortuitous enough to  travel the world to witness raptor migration across North America, Europe and the Middle East. Between 2012 and 2018 I sat on the board of the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA), helping to successfully relaunching their tours program.  

I am currently based in Altadena California and when not employed as an environmental consultant I work as a professional tour guide for companies including Rockjumpers and Wildside Nature Tours. As a guide I enjoy sharing the wonderful places that I have visited with people, whether in my own back yard in Los Angeles or further afield. The tours I most enjoy are those that include great birds, beautiful scenery, and some sense of epic wildlife spectacle.

My work as a tour leader is perfect in that allows me to combine my love of birds and birding with meeting up with interesting people and sharing great natural history experiences.

I love photographing birds and wildlife, and you can check out some of my latest birding adventures using the Instagram and Flickr links at the top right of the page. You can also find my old birding blog (here).